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A website where you can find all the answers to your elaborated gift hunt, all in a single place, is ProFlowers. You can purchase fresh flowers, processed thoroughly by experts and arranged in a presentable manner to appeal to the customers. Shopping with ProFlowers does not stop with flowers alone, one can also purchase a huge variety of gifts, plants, cakes, cake pops and chocolates and truffles within the gourmet collection. Both the flowers and other goods are multi-colored, attractively presented in beautifully carved containers/vases. Be it for someone’s mother, daughter, husband or spouse, ProFlowers has just the right kind of gifts for all. There is also an option for customers to personalize their gifts, add and modify what goes in their gift basket, giving them the benefit of choosing what’s best for them.
Transparent and widespread sale
The website provides an open ground of explanation about how the products reach the market. Flowers, plants and other raw materials are picked fresh from the farms, processed by factories, and the final products are carefully transported to markets worldwide. ProFlowers covers the international space, targeting countries like the Philippines, Canada, Germany, France and more.
Types of plants and flowers for different occasions
Different get-togethers call for slightly varied kinds of flower collections, and ProFlowers has constructively categorized flowers, plants, and gifts for each gathering. Covering events like birthdays, valentines’ day, anniversaries and promotions, the flower delivering website has multiple combinations and flower arrangements to choose from. Flowers like roses, lilies, tulips, and plants for gardens, offices and home décor, cactus and wreathes are some of the products available.
Seasonal collections
The company also has exotic seasonal collections of gift packages. A unique collection of flowers, chocolates, and plants are up for sale for every winter, New Year’s and Valentine’s exclusively.
Quickly compare Proflowers.com with other similar 1800 Flowers, FTD, From You Flowers and others.
Category Ranking: #6 Flower Delivery Service
Ratings & Votes: 4.8/5 - Based on 4 Votes
Payment Options: Visa, Mastercard, Giftcards
Annual Revenue: US$ 19.5 million
Avg Order Size: US$ 57 to 70
Daily Orders: 834
Daily Visitors: 53k
Website: Proflowers.com